Philly Codefest Rules

Failure to adhere to the rules may result in disqualification and/or removal from the event.

  1. Participants must be over the age of 18 and/or matriculated college students. If you are under 18 and not in college, you are not eligible to participate in the event. If you do not meet this requirement you will be disqualified and may be denied entry to the event. You will be required to show a valid ID at the door before being admitted to the event.
  2. All participants must follow the Philly Codefest Code of Conduct
  3. Teams must have a minimum of 2 members team with less than two members will be disqualified. At least 2 members of your team must be on site to present your project to the judges.
  4. Each participant can only be a member of one team.
  5. Each team is required to create a project no later than 03/02/2025 4:00 PM. Absolutely no exceptions will be made, only projects created here will be eligible to present to the Judges on Sunday.