Kerfus Tutor
Location - C9
Kerfus Tutor: Your Friendly Accessible Study Companion Introducing an interactive AI voice assistant designed to enhance learning experiences. With its charming personality and dynamic/adaptive features, our AI Tutor helps users focus, simplifies complex concepts, and fosters collaboration to help students break free of the negative consequences that come with studying alone. Revolutionizing education for the common good makes quality learning enjoyable and accessible to all.
Users interact with Kerfus through voice commands, initiating a responsive dialogue tailored to individual needs. Kerfus dynamically adjusts its responses based on user feedback and learning patterns, optimizing comprehension and retention. Beyond answering queries, Kerfus promotes collaboration by facilitating peer interaction and knowledge sharing. It adapts to diverse learning styles, offering personalized assistance through various mediums such as facial expressions, digestible explanations, and discussions. By leveraging AI technology, Kerfus breaks the barriers of solitary study, fostering a supportive community and enhancing learning outcomes through collective engagement for all. **Providing accessible, personalized support, empowering marginalized communities to access educational resources and thrive in their pursuit of knowledge.**
Openai, Tictok TTS API, pytz, asyncio, base64, random, textwrap, soundfile, sounddevice, random, ThreadPoolExecutor, httpx, pyttsx4, os, time, tkinter, tk, Image, ImageTk
Augustus Sroka Rufayda Sanjida Micah Brinson Aidan Jenkins Mehroj Alimov Nushrat Danial