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Project: SoterSOS
Project Type: Advanced
SoterSOS is an AI personal safety that can help you get help, even in the most dangerous situations.
User can choose a keyword which will trigger the SOS functionality. Wake word detection AI upon picking up the keyword(distance up to 20 meters) will initiate sending SMS messages to indicated trusted contacts with the user's location. As well as recording audio for potential future use in court. The app works even when the phone is off focus meaning that the user can reach help even without interacting with the device directly, only through use. We target to solve the issue of street violence and domestic violence. Additional features: - Fake page for app camouflage - List of help contacts for further assistance with abuse or violence Future plans: - AI audio sentiment analysis for improving app's accuracy - Voice recognition to ensure that it is the user who needs help
Java, Porcupine API, Wake word AI detection, Android Studio
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